Saturday, May 12, 2007

Learn Guitar fast with s....l....o.....w.... Videos

It's been a stupidly frantic week.

Between answering the floods of email....putting up the various bits of 'Classical Gas' ready for YouTubing. Notifying (Classical Gas) competition winners (not the guitar giveaway...not yet), and developing and launching a new software product and giving customer support for it AND....playing the guitar a bit....I almost got time to sleep a bit too.

I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining cos I'm definitely not.

The Youtube 'Classical Gas' phenomena has taken quite a bit of my time but with your help we managed to get part one of that guitar video to N02 and Part 2 to No 3 (hope that pattern doesn't continue with part 3;0)

I will eventually release the whole thing but it will have to be in my time. Thjis is no bad thing as it forces you to just keep going on the bit you know. Guess what'll happen if we keep doing it this way?'ll learn ALL OF IT.

'SloMoDirector' has been an astounding success. It's a bit scary when you sink a pile of cash into a ptoject and there is nothing else like it in the market place cos that may be because there is no market for it. I had a hunch that there qould be demand for it.....but I've had hunches about things before.

Of course most people will have no idea what SloMoDirector is all about as I haven't released details to anyone other than my premier mambers. Hopefully the video will tell you enough so that the power of it is self evident. It's in its infancy at the moment but I have plans for it.

SloMoDirector Video Manipulation Tool

Thanks to all who have already bought it and given me feedback.

I've put up a link to all my other Guitar Videos products. It seemed like a good Idea as I am totally lost these days and forget where I put things...

Mikes Guitar Videos n stuff


Thanks Steve...I just got your envelope with the cash is on the way now.

Ooops sorry folks......


hans free said...
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val said...


val said...

I forgot my password, it has been so long since i posted....And i noticed no one else is posting anything... so here goes......

First of all..Hi Mike
Secondly..Hello to others who have used this blog or Mike's Forum.
How is it going for everyone? Anyone mastered Mike's Class Gas Lessons.
What do you think of the SloMo Director?? Have ya all been practicing???
OOppps, gotta go as I am on lunch break....saved from me getting to wordy.
Find time to play...TODAY! Val

Anonymous said...

AVI files would be a total blessing to read in SloMoDirector. Now I have to convert footage for each file. 20 minutes each sometimes. Ugh!

When will AVI files be recognized in SloMoDirector?

Soon I hope!

PS Even many of my WMV files say they are not compatible. 2X Ugh!

LD said...

Hey Mike! Isn't it amazing that just a few short years ago that an idea became this!! Finally a place for one to shine! I am so pleased to be considered your friend in this internet teaching and learning tool. You know, a flow chart from conception to present, would be a great teaching tool also!! Showing the steps and processes you took to bring this site about!! Ofcourse this was a learning expierence for you too, but you technique of explanation would make it much easier for us "lay" people to understand. Please just consider it, as I'm sure you are bombarded with ideas already. Thank you, Laurin

Mike Herberts said...

Hi Folks..........
Been a bad couple of days.
My Dad died (peacefully) yesterday and my other and better half was diagnosed with cancer...she needs an operation now :0(

I've been distracted on and off over the last couple of months with these and other issues but things will settle down soon I'm sure.


Mayor Max Ellison said...

Mike... So sorry to hear about your father's passing. It's a difficult time I'm sure. As for your wife, we'll put her in our prayers and hope for a speedy mend and full recovery.

You have truly been an insiration to my learning and I hope you find some solice in knowing there are literally thousands of people worlwide that have benifited from your teaching, humor and kind manner.

Peace be with you Mike,\.

Mayor Max

cappnjoe said...
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Anonymous said...

hi mike my name is george iv been learning your tears in heaven tutorial and its working wonders i only recently picked up a guitar for the first time and i can play all your tutorial fluently ..but i was wondering would u be able to make a new version of tears in heaven with all the fancy hand work ..because im determind to learn it 100% thank you very much and keep doing what your doing .your a legend

Eileen & Len said...

Hi Mike, I get Error 404 when I try

Bill said...

Hello Mike: I lucked upon your site a few months ago and wanted to express how pleased I am with everything I have encountered in my dealings with you. When you say it's "free", that is exactly what it is! I love SloMo Director and have ordered some of your video's. Your merchandise pulled me out of a rut, and got me to enjoy picking up my guitar again.