Saturday, November 04, 2006

How to mess up a blog in one easy lesson.

I was trying to optimise the blog for Yahoo and managed to delete most of the code that makes the blog run and that's always gonna ruin your day.

Ah well it was probably due for a revamp.

The blog is now hosted from
so you might want to note that.


Anonymous said...

Hi all,
Yep - I think it's way too quiet on here lately, maybe it's because everyone's busy practising sooo much eh? :-)
I've just got the latest DVD and I can't wait to get stuck into "Here Comes The Sun" (brilliant clip of this on YouTube with George Harrison and Paul Simon - I'll have to dig out the link...) and "The Boxer". I've just about nailed "Don't Think Twice" and "Homeward Bound" but still hit the odd bum note! - Sooo many songs and not enough time eh!
Anyhoo, I'm off to think of some more songs for you to teach us Mike - lol!
Keep practising :-)

Mike Herberts said...

Hi Folks,

I'm busy with the 20 songs for strummers.

This is very relaxing to make. Pick out some of my favourites like "Always on my mind"
"Stand by your man" "When I need you" "Catch the wind" All done in one take for each song. No tabs just shout out the chords. Easy peasy.

Folks.....thanks for buying the stuff and coming here and for all your support.


Anonymous said...

Val - Lol yep, same continant and even Country, but different County... :-)I wish I could just play the day away, never mind, the weekend is not far off now...

Mike - No rest for the wicked eh? I guess that means you've been pretty wicked then - lol. Anyway,great 2nd DVD, I particularly like the mistletoe - Very seasonal! The menus are getting better also ;-)Can't wait for the next DVD - Now strumming I CAN do!

BTW all, I managed to find the link to "Here Comes..." on YouTube, the vids a bit blurred, but still nice to watch :-

Those were the days - What great live performances eh! :-)

Catch you all later!

Anonymous said...

Hi all, still here...
Val - 3 hours straight eh? You'll have no fingers / strings left - lol! At least you got the DVD before Christmas, so when you're snowed in, up there in Canada, you'll be able to get lots of practice in no doubt... It's still quite mild here in the UK, which is strange for December! Global warming I suppose :-)
BTW - Nothing wrong with flight sims, I used to be on them quite a lot - I'm trying to save up to do the real thing, but costs are high in the UK for flying lessons :-(
Ah well, wonder how much extra I could earn through busking? :-)
That’s a thought – Does anyone on here busk or has anyone been brave enough, to put a vid of themselves on YouTube yet??
Catch you later!

Rich said...

Val – Wish I was rich literally :-) I wouldn’t have to work then and I could practice more! I could also buy that Gibson J-160E I’ve been drooling over…
Yep, the scenery files are amazing for the flight sims these days – I remember when they had wire frame vector graphics years ago, but I am a bit of a geek when it comes to things like that...
BTW = “By The Way”, full marks to Hans for that!
Snow – What’s that then? Oh hang on, I seem to remember, it’s cold white stuff isn’t it? I think we usually get about 1-2 weeks of it, then it’s gone... I blame global warming myself!
Guitar’s going OK Just about got ‘War Is Over’ down, but I'm having problems with one of the runs in ‘Here Comes The Sun’, but I’ll get it cracked before long! I think my fingers must be too long, as they keep tripping over themselves… (that’s my excuse anyway!)
Anyway, come on Val we’re all dying to know – What this job then? Backing singer for a rock band or something??
All the best!

jimbo said...

Snow on the Canadian praries sounds fantastic one day I'll take my better half over there and go on the rocky mountain express. here in Australia everything else is so far away!. and to have it snow , what an excuse to stay indoors and practice all day, we would love to just get some rain let alone snow. anyway would anybody like to comment on what is there favourite Mike Herberts lesson, mine is freight train, been practicing it for months but cannot get it to sound anything like the mistro does
happy picking

Rich said...

Hmmm... My favorite lesson has to be 'Don't Think Twice' as I'm a bit of a Dylan fan and I also like that style of picking technique... When I first saw Mike play it, I thought I'd never get it, but after months of practice, I've pretty much got it sorted :-) Mind you, I also like 'Hide Your Love Away' and 'War Is Over' as you can really belt them out! :-)

Rich said...
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Rich said...

Val - Nothing wrong with Karaoke! I just wish I had the confidence to do it, even after a few pints... :-) I'd love to be able to have a go at an open mic night, but again, I think I'd go to pieces - lol!

Jimbo - Talking of global warming, aren't you guys going through a drought at the moment? There was something on the news the other day. Mind you, it's still very mild here for the time of year!

Anyway, must go and have a go at this Freight Train tune that you're all talking about :-)


Mike Herberts said...

I might not say much but......I'm sneakily reading your posts hans (h) and Val.
I'm working on the list and it doesn't seem to be getting shorter sigh. Hey Val ....looks like you're racing away. I bet you have all these on your Karaoke Disc (I'm a Karaoke fan by the way. Great balls of fire, You were always on my mind, Daniel ah well )
This is part of the strummers list.
stand by your man
Boulevard of broken dreams
Light my fire
blowing in the wind
times they are a changing
father and son
its over
sleepy jean
hound dog
great balls of fire
heard it throgh the grapevine
needles and pins
living doll
running bear
stand by me
i'll never find another you
folsom prison blues
shes not there
forever young
my sweet lord
dirty old town
jesse james
closest thing to crazy
Badmoon rising
knocking on heavens

Any more you'd like?
