Monday, February 19, 2007

Learning Guitar if you're Left Handed

Just a quick note this.

I get about 3 or 4 emails a week from left handed beginner guitarists along the lines of..

I'd love to learn from your over-the -shoulder videos but find it impossible because everything is reversed.

It never occured to me that a conventional guitar tuition video showing a 'face on' shot is actually of more use to a left hander than a right hander...since they (left handers) are watching a mirror image whereas a right hander has to mentally reverse the images.

When I came up with the over-the-shoulder shot I immediately made life more difficult for the left handed player so.....

After a bit of head scratching I have a solution. Promise not to laugh, because this REALLY WORKS.

Get a big mirror and stand it to one side of your monitor at 90 degrees to the screen. Now watch my videos in the mirror....hey presto....instant solution.

Let me know how you get on with this.

P.S. Has anyone else noticed that eerie feeling when you've learned a piece from the over-the -shoulder videos and you're playing along whilst watching. It feels a bit like playing a virtual guitar. Very strange.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Guitar Videos Not Working Properly? - Windows Media Viewer Settings may solve the problem.

A few of my customers had problems in the past with videos they'd downloaded.
They complained that the sound was out of sync. or that there was some stuttering when the video played.

Unfortunately I'm not technically adept enough to have offered a s0lution...until now that is. I have to thank Chris Morgan for his persistance is solving the problems and post his recent email here so that others may benefit from his findings.


Hi Mike,

I have been having problems with strummers paradise
downloads (stuttery and out of sync) until now.
By changing the settings in windows media
player 11 as follows I can now
start to enjoy your handy work.
On the menu bar click on View - Plug-ins - Options.
Click on the Performance tab and then change the
Video Acceleration to None and click Apply then OK.
Mine was set at full by default but all the Video's
play fine now.
I hope this will help others who may have been
having similar problems.

The Vids are great, keep up the good work.

All the best
Chris Mogan